Photo Gallery of my custom 1953 Chevy Belair Hot Rod “Stardust”, from when I first bought her in 1990, but until I finished the main body work and fins 2005-2007.
Here’s a video I did of Stardust when YouTube was a “new” and 480 dpi was hot stuff! 2010…actual “video” taken with a Canon DAT camcorder. My how times have changed.
Summer, 1990, starting body work. 53 Chevy, October 1990 53 Chevy, October 1990 This was like this when I bought the car. I kept it that way. 53chev april 91 Dash 53 Chevy painted, early 90s 53 Chevy painted, early 90s 53 Chevy painted, early 90s 53 Chevy on a photo shoot, 1992 53 Chevy painted, 1992 53 Chevy painted, 1992 53 Chevy painted, 1992 By the late 90s, Stardust’s paint job was not looking great 53 Chevy late 90s 53 Chevy, Christmas late 90s 53 Chevy 2000 53 Chevy 2000, moving day, new home in Florida 53 Chevy early 00’s 53 Chevy early 00’s 53 Chevy, stripping down the paint 53 Chevy early 00’s 53 Chevy early 00’s 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 Custom Hub Caps 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 Finishing body & Fins, 2007 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 53 Chevy 2005 Fins in progress, Fiberglass Fins in progress, Fiberglass Fiberglass, Bondo, Sand, Repeat. Fins in progress, Fiberglass Fins in progress, Final contouring Fins in progress, Final contouring Fins finished on 53 Chevy Custom Fins finished on 53 Chevy Custom 2008